Since April 2019, EI-Technologies has been supporting GEODIS group in the gradual implementation of a Salesforce CRM platform. We asked Romaryc Pelissié, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and Fabien Hyvonnet, Customer Experience Manager to tell us more about the project challenges.
Defining the roadmap and its stakes Providing a transparent solution for all GEODIS sales representatives, a challenging, though not impossible task. "We started with a series of deep dive sessions ", Romaryc Pelissié, Solution Architect, explains. For several days, all teams, including GEODIS sales forces, worked on aligning as much as possible the sales opportunity processes with the client life cycle, in order to identify the actual requirements. "Based on this analysis, we chose to build the entire solution around 4 major versions, interspersed with intermediate versions for application enhancement. This is our first roadmap. The second roadmap shall apply,…
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